
paint News & Reviews

3 results - showing 1 - 3  
Rockler Mixing Mate
Chris   January 18, 2013   0   2  
Do you remember the Mixing Mate that Rockler came out with last summer? It fit onto a regular quart-sized paint can and promised a no-hassle way for users to store, mix, and pour their paints and finishes. It must have been successful because Rockler has now come out with a gallon-sized version.
Chris   June 15, 2012   0   0  
Not happy with the current way of mixing, pouring and storing your paints and finishes? Rockler has a new product called the Mixing Mate that does all three; and I think the person that came up with the design did it over a plate of pancakes.
What is Bloxygen? Save leftover varnish!  Spray, seal, and store!
Chris   August 19, 2011   1   0  
When do you ever open up a new can of paint or stain, and finish the entire can in one go? Unless you are a professional, the chances are pretty good that you rarely finish the full thing in one day. So what ends up happening is you seal up the can, and put it on the shelf to used at a later date. After a few projects have gone by, you turn to your dust covered can of finish and open it up to find a hard skin over the surface. What a...
3 results - showing 1 - 3