Weekend Links: Diamonds Super Magnified, Drill Infographic

GloveLite Review – The Flashlight You Can't Drop – Homefixated
The days of holding a flashlight in your mouth when you need two free hands are over. The GloveLite features two small LED lights that are placed on the thumb and forefinger of a glove and are ideally positioned to light your working hands.
High Magnification Images of "Economy" Quality Diamond Abrasives – ToolGuyd
Diamonds are used in so many of the tools we buy, like specialty drill bits and saw blades. Have you ever wondered what these diamond particles look like up close? ToolGuyd has the images from 75x magnification up to 140,000x magnification.

America's Favorite Tool–The Power Drill [Infographic] – eReplacementParts
eReplacementParts came out with a cool infographic that offers a bit of history and fun facts about America's favorite tool. For example, did you know there is a world record for using a drill to spin a person hanging from the ceiling?
V-TapGuides and V-DrillGuides by Big Gator Tools – Tools In Action
Having a hard time drilling or tapping holes at 90-degrees to your material? Check out these simple yet effective drill guide blocks that make drilling a 90-degree hole even into the corner of a block possible. They come in all shapes and sizes to match your drilling or tapping needs.