WORX JawSaw Tree Trimmer Turned Zombie Killer
https://www.tool-rank.com/media/listing/photos/thumbnail/300x300s/cc/1b/2b/1226_jawsaw3-1340093634.jpgThe Worx JawSaw is one of those tools you see on the commercial and at first glance you dismiss it as being just another infomercial tool. Then you see the commercial again and start to realize it has possibilities. At third and forth viewing you begin to imagine how you would use the tool and how handy it would be to trim that overgrown tree in the backyard, you have now started to realize the potential of the tool. There is more to this than just being another tool on an infomercial. But maybe what you didn't realize, and what was not in the infomercial, is how the Worx JawSaw is the perfect tool for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. At least that is what the photos suggest.
Tool-Rank does not endorse or recommend using power tools in any way that is different from their intended purpose.
Worx JawSaw - Amazon
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