Liquid Wrench Pro Penetrant and Lubricant with LED-Powered FlashSight

Liquid Wrench Pro Penetrant and Lubricant with LED-Powered FlashSight
Chris   November 02, 2017  
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Liquid Wrench Pro Penetrant and Lubricant with LED-Powered FlashSight

Why is it that most of the time you need to free up a stuck bolt it is hidden deep down into the mechanical workings where you can barely see it? You could stick a dirty flashlight into your mouth and try and hit the bolt with some penetrating lubricant, but for some reason you can never get your aim right. Thankfully, Liquid Wrench has come out with a solution that solves this very problem.

Liquid Wrench's Pro Penetrant and Lubricant with LED-Powered FlashSight is just what it sounds like, a spray can of professional-grade Liquid Wrench penetrating and lubricating oil with an LED light mounted on it.

With an LED light mounted directly above the spray nozzle, it is in the ideal position to shine some light right where you need it. With just a press of a button, the nozzle simultaneously sprays the fluid and shines the light so you never have to worry. A built-in Lock-collar allows the LED light to be used without spraying any fluid and also allows the spray-can to be stored in an Off position to prevent unintentional spraying.

The spray-can provides two spray options—a fan spray pattern is available for general use, but a straw can be flipped into place to offer a more precise application. Since the straw is mounted to the spray nozzle at all times, you won't have to worry about leaving it behind.

LIQUID WRENCH Pro Penetrant and Lubricant with LED-Powered FlashSight Technology is now available at multiple retailers nationwide, including Advance Auto Parts, Fastenal, Menards,, Levin’s Auto, and more.

Liquid Wrenchlubricant