Fein Is Feeling The Heat, Now Offering Rebates

Fein Is Feeling The Heat, Now Offering Rebates

Chris   December 06, 2010  
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When all of the competitive oscillating tools started coming out, last year I asked the question – Is Fein Feeling The Heat? It would seem almost impossible for Fein to not feel some kind of waves after so many companies made their splash all at once. It was hard to know if this had any impact, but then we got our first real evidence when Fein lowered the price of their blades and accessories. It wasn't much of a change, but it was a start.

A new $50 rebate from Fein just goes to show that capitalism works. I have never seen a Fein oscillation tool on sale, so the lower priced offering by their competitors have done us all some good. From now until December 27, 2010, Fein is offering a $50 rebate on the following MultiMaster products: Fein 250 Start, Fein 250Q Basic, Select Plus, Top Plus or Marine Top.

Fein Rebate Form

In addition to the above, is offering an additional $25 Rockler gift card if you purchase a Fein MultiMaster 250Q Top Plus from them.

[:cicn:] Fein 250Q Top Plus Rockler – Fein MultiMaster Amazon

Feinhot dealsoscillating toolMultimastergift cardsale