LumberJocks Summer Build-Off Starts July 1st
Twice a year LumberJocks (a woodworking community) hosts build-off contests for its members. Each contest is different and asks the community to build useful and unique woodworking projects. This summer's task is to build a Garden Bench.
Whether you live in an apartment or on a grand estate a garden bench is the perfect place to sit, relax, and savour life's gifts. Create the ideal bench for your outside environment and join our Summer Awards! Be sure to describe why you selected the design and show us the finished product in its new home.
While most contests only reward the top 1-3 entries, LumberJocks rewards the top10. Prizes include
- 1st place - 5-Piece Picture Frame Bit Set & Build-A-Box Value Package by Eagle America
- 2 nd place - Archive DVDs by Fine Woodworking
- 3rd place - Stock Electric Branding Iron by Custom Branding Iron
- 4th place - SkilSaw by Skil
- 5th place - Home Run Four Pak and Maple Marking Gauge by Major League Woodworking
- 6th place - BowlSaw by Steussy Creations
- 7th place - $75 Certificate by Lee Valley
- 8th place - Lit-ion Power Cutter by Skil
- 9th place - Lit-ion Screwdriver by Skil
- 10th place - $25 Certificate by Lee Valley
The contest runs for the entire month of July, so you better get started on your Garden Bench today. Head over to LumberJocks for complete rules and details.