Centipede Sawhorse — From Crowdfunding To HomeDepot In only Two Years

Centipede Sawhorse — From Crowdfunding To HomeDepot In only Two Years
Chris   May 29, 2015  
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Centipede Sawhorse — From Crowdfunding To HomeDepot In only Two Years

Crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter are a great way for the little guy to get complete strangers to fork out their money on the promise of a great product. While product ideas are plentiful, it is rare to see a product not only be successfully funded, but also make their way into retail stores nationwide. Let me tell you, I was genuinely happy to learn that the Centipede Sawhorse was one of the few that made it.

It probably wasn’t an easy journey for Inventor Ed Adkins, and business partner Keith Fyhr, but when they launched their first crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo back in June 2013 and I learned about it, I was really hoping they would make it. It took a second campaign on Kickstarter to get the money they needed, but following their progress via their social media pages, I could see them quickly making progress.

In 2014, the team behind the Centipede Sawhorse set out with their newly made samples to get their product into stores; and their plan must have worked. The sawhorse first appeared on Amazon, and next at Rockler. In May, the Centipede became available at a few Lowe’s stores, with more to come at the end of June. HomeDepot has also picked up the Centipede Sawhorse to sell in select stores at the end of June, as well as online. Even smaller regional stores have the Centipede in stock. After only two years since their initial campaign, the Centipede Sawhorse went from a prototype, to being available in retail stores nationwide, something many inventors could only dream of.

If you didn’t read my initial article introducing the Centipede Sawhorse back in 2013, and therefore have no idea what sets the Centipede apart from every other sawhorse on the market, the video below explains everything.

Centipede Sawhorsecrowdfundingsaw horse