Bosch Click & Go 72-Hour Kit Build: Everyday Essentials Using The L-BOXX-2

Bosch Click & Go 72-Hour Kit Build: Everyday Essentials Using The L-BOXX-2
Chris   December 06, 2012  
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Bosch Click & Go 72-Hour Kit Part 5: Everyday Essentials

I have covered some of the most important things you should have in a 72-hour disaster kit, but there are still some items that you should probably have around to make your disaster experience go a bit smoother. In the Bosch L-BOXX-2 I put together some of the items that you would use daily, things like cooking utensils, soap, toothpaste and more. I am sure there are a lot more items that I could have added, but I am trying to balance what I really need versus the weight of everything.

Be sure to leave any tips or suggestions of your own in the comments below. See the rest of the 72-Hour Kit Build.

Also check out these cool DIY alcohol stoves (video) that are made from aluminum beer bottles. There are a ton of videos on how to make these online. They a small light way to heat up water for food.

Items used in this kit

BUY Light My Fire Titanium Spork - Amazon
BUY Bosch L-Boxx-2 - Amazon

BoschLight My FiresporkL-BOXX-272-hour kit build