Why Is A Good Workbench Mat So Hard To Find?
https://www.tool-rank.com/media/listing/photos/thumbnail/300x300s/0d/d5/93/rockler-benchmat-55-1490073767.jpgYou would think that with all of the workbenches in all of the garages all over the country, you would have a few different choices when it comes to workbench protection, but that is not the case at all.
When searching for a "workbench mat" on the internet, all I could find were message boards of other people looking for workbench mats. Thankfully these same message boards did offer a few suggestions as to what could be used. Some of the suggestions were: conveyor belts, carpet runners, and yoga mats. Those are all great suggestions, but I have some problems with all of them. I have no idea where I could get new or used conveyor belts, and carpet runners have large texture treads. The best idea is ironically the yoga mat. I do have some concerns about durability, but the the available options should provide something semi-strong. Some yoga mats are also very inexpensive, so buying one and expecting it to only last a year or so might be an option.
If you are not into yoga mats, conveyor belts, or carpet runners, you still have one more choice. A while after doing my initial search for workbench mats Rockler announced a new workbench mat (pictured above) that they would be selling. The mat is made out of 100% recycled rubber, and sizes in at 24" x 60". It is a bit thin at only 3mm, but this does make it easier to custom cut to your needs, and to roll away if needed. The big down side to the Rockler mat is that it is not impervious to liquids, so even an accidental spill is going to end up in the mat, and on your bench. The mat comes in Rockler blue and is priced at $44.