Rockler Announces Sure-Foot F-Style Clamps

The F-style clamp has been a tool in my arsenal for as long as I can remember; for quick clamping needs I also turn to my Vise-Grip or Lock-Jaw clamps, but whenever I need greater clamping capacity, the F-style is the clamp I turn to. The F clamp is great in a lot of ways, but they also have their shortcomings. Thankfully, Rockler has come out their own version that seems to fix some of my dislikes.
From a side view the clamp looks just like any other, but when you look at it from straight on you can see that Rockler has added some feet to the clamp. This solves the common issue of clamps falling over when you are clamping pieces of material together end to end. This is not something I would use a lot, but I have found this to be an issue my other clamps. Rockler also extended the clutch on the clamp, which makes releasing the tension even faster. Other simple improvements Rockler implemented were increasing the size of the clamping foot and making a more ergonomic handle. All of these improvements are pluses in my book.
The price of the Rockler Sure-Foot Clamps are equal to other heavy-duty F-Style clamps on the market today. The Sure-Foot F-Style Clamps have a 2-1/2" throat depth and come in four lengths: 6" (# 40333) with a retail of $16.99; 12" (# 40334) with a retail of $17.99; 18" (# 40335) with a retail of $18.99; and 24" (# 40339) with a retail of $19.99.
[:cicn:] Rockler