Hand Saw Meets Scroll Saw With The Knew Concepts Precision Saw
https://www.tool-rank.com/media/listing/videos/thumbnail/300x300s/de/39/ce/RIO_e9KInTE.jpgWhat do you use if you want the delicate touch and control that comes with a hand saw, combined with the precision you get with a powered scroll saw? Up until now I would not have had an answer for you, but thankfully for those interested, I came across the Precision Saw from Knew Concepts. Knew Concepts is becoming a well know name amongst people looking for high quality fret saws and when you just look at their tools, you can see why. Not only do they impress with their no-flex titanium fret saws with quick tension cam-lever, but their Precision Saw is truly something unique.
The Knew Concepts Precision Saw takes the features that made their frets saws popular and combined them with the features that make scroll saws so accurate. This was done by making a fret saw that has a built-in table and ball bearing guide mechanism that allows the tool to move smoothly and accurately up and down. The Precision Saw is an all-in-one design, meaning that you would not need to use a v-board, which is commonly used with fret saws. The entire saw clamps to your workbench in place of a v-board. The table on the Precision Saw can also be tilted left or right for angled cuts, and an adjustable hold down pin ensures that your work pieces stay in place.
With a cost of $385, the Knew Concepts Precisions Saw is truly a saw for professional jewelers or fine metalworkers, but you should be happy to know that your money is being spent on a tool that is made in the USA.