Festool Prices Going Up February 1st
https://www.tool-rank.com/media/listing/photos/thumbnail/300x300s/22/6a/22/festool-logo-13-1359106214.pngHave you been waiting, hoping that the money you have saved will be enough to find yourself with a shiny new Festool Product? Well you better spend that money fast, because a price increase is heading to Festool products at the beginning of next month.
Not every product that Festool makes will be seeing an increase, in fact some products will see their prices drop, but their entire product line is seeing an average increase of about 8%. Tools seem to be on the low end of price increases with many cordless tools not seeing any increase at all. Accessories are where the majority of increase appear to be, with many prices being raised upwards of 20+%.
Even if a new Festool product is not on your list, if you do own Festool products it would be wise for you to see if your accessory prices are going up or down so you can buy when the prices is at its lowest. Tool Home put together a nice list of all the price changes, so visit their site
BUY Festool - Amazon
BUY Festool - CPO Festool
BUY Festool - Tool Home