Festool Comes Out With A Topless Model Systainer
https://www.tool-rank.com/media/listing/photos/thumbnail/300x300s/2a/b1/59/429724-10151541168790586-1801983486-n-15-1363764760.jpgSometimes it can be a hassle to always have to lift the top to get the things you need out of your Systainer. To make your tools a bit easier to get to, Festool has announced the addition of a new Systainer that has no top.
What Festool has done is basically come out with a Systainer version of the classic toolbox, which is why they have named it the SYS-Toolbox. I guess you could have always taken the lid off your Systainer to make it an open-top, but with the SYS-Toolbox you still get a top handle. It is compatible with classic and T-Loc style Systainers and can be attached to Festool dust extractors via the SysDock.
I could see the SYS-Toolbox working very well with the drawer model Sortainers. For example, you could keep your plumbing tools—such as a torch—in the top, and keep your fittings, solder and such in the bottom drawers.
The SYS-TB-1 will be available this May for $49. There is a SYS-TB-2 model in Germany, but it has not been announced for the USA.