Buy And Sell Jobsite Leftovers With DiggersList

Often on the jobsite I see perfectly good building materials being thrown away simply because it is not worth the effort to either save it, or sell it. Of course throwing good build materials away is not the best answer to this problem. This is where DiggersList comes in; DiggersList is a online classified that was born to help solve this wasteful problem. They offer the building community a place to buy and sell new or used building materials, tools , jobsite equipment, etc. all at discount prices. You get the stuff you need for cheap, you sell the stuff you don't need, you help prevent waste, and you help free up those landfills. A win – win – win - win.
DiggersList initially was only available to a limited area, but its success has pushed the people behind the website to go National ahead of schedule. They have a newly designed website that is easier to navigate, and uses geo-location to find the deals in your area. DiggersList is also working closely with the Habitat for Humanity ReStores, to not only help promote what they have to offer, but to also accept donations for the charity.