
vest News & Reviews

3 results - showing 1 - 3  
Blaklader Vest Front
Gary   February 26, 2014   0   10  
I can't imagine that the average tradesman, donning a well worn pair of work pants along with a comfortable tee-shirt, thinks about fashion while putting on a pair of rugged boots. And a GQ kinda guy I am not—even off the job site—but when I tool-up with my Blaklader Bantam Kangaroo vest, invariably someone will notice and ask, "Where'd ya get that work vest?" Framers, cabinet installers, and even electricians seeing the Blaklader vest note its practical use for their trade (in addition to its fashionable appeal).
Occidental Leather Wants You To Get To Work With Their Get To Work Vest
Chris   May 17, 2012   1   4  
Is it strange to see people moving away from the use of toolbelts on the jobsite? I know some older workers that would not even think of such a thing. But why stick with the same thing, when now, there are so many more options to choose from. The new Occidental Leather 2650 Get To Work Vest is just one more example.
Chris   January 16, 2011   0   0  
Argon gas has been used as insulation in dual-pane windows for years now because it is a much better insulator then regular air space; so it would seem only logical that people would be looking for other uses for this safe insulating gas. Ergodyne has come up with a use for argon, but it is in probably the last thing I would have expected, clothing. The Ergodyne N-Ferno 6900 Warming Vest does away with all of the conventional insulating methods, and gets all of its insulating power from the use of argon gas. The vest itself is...
3 results - showing 1 - 3