Tool Blog
Chris July 21, 2014 0 1
Chris July 21, 2014 0 1
How many different types of screws, nuts, bolts, washers, or anchors does a person need for any given task? If you were to look at the current selection of screw organizer boxes, 10 seems to be the magic number. But in reality, most tasks only require a few different fasters, the rest are just extra weight we have to carry around for a completely different task. This why I am happy to see that DeWalt has come out with a new Mid-Size Pro Organizer that is about half the size of other screw organizers.
Chris February 05, 2013 1 0
Chris February 05, 2013 1 0
Can't find the tool that you need because it is lost somewhere inside of a tangled mess, inside of a drawer? That is where Francis Wall was before he designed the ToolHanger, his hanging tool organization system.
Hot Deals
Chris December 19, 2012 1 1
Chris December 19, 2012 1 1
Akro-Mils is the go-to brand for storage for a wide variety of storage solutions. Their products are well made and have a warranty to back that up, not to mention that they are also made in the USA. For all of the reasons above you can understand that their products are priced a little higher than your Chinese knock-offs.
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Chris November 29, 2012 1 1
Chris November 29, 2012 1 1
You might not have heard about Keter, but you have probably seen their products around, especially their Cantilever Organizer. You can find their boxes in all kinds of stores under many different names, but now you can find an actual Keter named 18-Inch Cantilever Tools Box at Sams Club at a really good price.
Hot Deals
Chris October 09, 2012 0 0
Chris October 09, 2012 0 0
If you are in serious need of getting organized, Amazon has some serious organizing storage bins and shelving units on sale for the month of October, and they are made in the USA. Amazon is offering 20% off of a number of Akro-Mils stacking/hanging storage bins that come in a range of sizes and colors. These bins are super tuff and can withstand a 250-degree autoclave and can handle just about anything you can load into them. The small 5x4x3 bin has a load capacity of 10-pounds, while the larger 15x16x7 has a load...
Chris November 08, 2011 0 3
Chris November 08, 2011 0 3
I have always found that if your tools are easy to see, and each tool has its own place, then it is easier to spot a missing tool or one that is out of place. Not only does a system like this keep you better organized, but it many cases, it is more productive. Old sayings like "A place for everything and everything in its place" really do work.
Chris October 25, 2011 0 0
Chris October 25, 2011 0 0
2x4 Basics, the company that brought us the simple 2x4 shelving system, is ready to prepare us for a season full of fireplace use. They make a number of systems that make use of easily accessible 2x4s, and one of those systems turns 2x4s into a handy firewood rack. Oddly enough, or maybe just showing smart business practices, the 2x4 Basics fireplace rack components appear to be the same as those used in their shelving system. The components are made of durable structural resin and come with a lifetime warranty. Assembly of the fireplace...
Chris August 09, 2011 0 0
Chris August 09, 2011 0 0
Storage, storage, storage, we never seem to have enough of it. Just when you think you are getting yourself organized, you turn around to find that you are not; at least that is how I feel. The problem is, good storage solutions are either hard to find, or they are expensive. So when I find a system that looks solid, and affordable, I feel it is my duty to share it with you. The ShelfLinks system from 2x4basics looks like it fits all of the criteria I mentioned above. The system uses a combination...
Chris June 17, 2011 0 0
Chris June 17, 2011 0 0
Sortimo has announced their new LS-Boxx, which is identical in size to their medium L-Boxx's, but instead has an opening in the front for removable trays. These trays, called i-Boxx's comes in two sizes and come with insert boxes and feature a transparent lid. The top portion of the LS-Boxx opens just like a regular L-Boxx and can house small tools such as cordless drills. The advantage of this new box is its ability to carry a tool in the top, and all the accessories needed in the tray's below. Sortimo talks about different tray options...
Chris June 06, 2011 1 0
Chris June 06, 2011 1 0
I have been battling with the idea of purchasing a few Systainers so that I can use them with a hand truck to get my tools on and off the jobsite easier for a few years now, but the pricing always kept me away. Then out came the L-Boxx from Sortimo, and it popped into my mind as a possible solution. The L-Boxx then became the front runner when Bosch made them more readily available here in the States. However, now it looks like DeWalt's Tough System is the ideal storage/transport system for my needs. The Tough...