
oscillating edge sander News & Reviews

2 results - showing 1 - 2  
Shopmade Oscillating Edge Sander
Tool Blog
Chris   September 24, 2014   1   0  
You have all built your own edge sanders using just everyday shop materials, right? But have you taken it to the next level and made a fully functional oscillating edge sander, with bonus spindle sander? If you have you can stop reading here, but if you haven’t you want to check out the video from Bellevue Woodshop below.
Delta Expanding Line With Four New Sanding Machines
Manufacturer News
Chris   April 26, 2012   0   4  
It looks like things are picking up steam over at Delta Power Equipment. It has been a little over a year since Delta was sold from Back & Decker, and they are expanding their line of shop tools with four all new heavy duty sanding machines. The new tools include a Dual Drum Sander, Oscillating Edge Sander, Oscillating Bench Spindle Sander and Oscillating Spindle Floor Sander. For more information, read on.
2 results - showing 1 - 2