7 results - showing 1 - 7
Chris May 20, 2013 0 2
Chris May 20, 2013 0 2
You think Rockler has done all they can do with their Bench Cookies? Think again. Rockler has come out with yet another accessory for their Bench Cookie, this one called Bench Cookie Bridges. Bridges offer another way to turn the Bench Cookie into a raised finishing platform.
Chris March 25, 2013 0 1
Chris March 25, 2013 0 1
Bosch has come out with a new ½-sheet orbital sander that they say delivers the "smoothest handling" and a "fine finish", thanks in part to their new vibration control system. Personally, I just think the new Bosch OS50VC ½-Sheet Sander looks cool.
Chris January 18, 2013 0 2
Chris January 18, 2013 0 2
Do you remember the Mixing Mate that Rockler came out with last summer? It fit onto a regular quart-sized paint can and promised a no-hassle way for users to store, mix, and pour their paints and finishes. It must have been successful because Rockler has now come out with a gallon-sized version.
Chris June 15, 2012 0 0
Chris June 15, 2012 0 0
Not happy with the current way of mixing, pouring and storing your paints and finishes? Rockler has a new product called the Mixing Mate that does all three; and I think the person that came up with the design did it over a plate of pancakes.
Chris August 19, 2011 1 0
Chris August 19, 2011 1 0
When do you ever open up a new can of paint or stain, and finish the entire can in one go? Unless you are a professional, the chances are pretty good that you rarely finish the full thing in one day. So what ends up happening is you seal up the can, and put it on the shelf to used at a later date. After a few projects have gone by, you turn to your dust covered can of finish and open it up to find a hard skin over the surface. What a...
Chris July 13, 2011 1 0
Chris July 13, 2011 1 0
Even though I have never used them, I still believe Rockler's Bench Cookies are one of the best tool inventions for woodworkers and finish carpenters. I always assumed I would pick up a set, but thus far I have not needed them; but now thanks to Fastcap, I might not ever own a set. Why? Because Fastcap's new TracPad lets you make your very own router cookies brownies. I always thought the Rockler cookies were a tool that could easily be DIY'd with some pieces of a router mat, a few blocks or circles...
Chris December 08, 2010 0 0
Chris December 08, 2010 0 0
I would have never expected to see accessories for something as simple as the Rockler Bench Cookies, but you can't go wrong when trying to make a product even more useful. The new Cones for Bench Cookie offer painters a way to utilize the non-slip abilities of the Bench Cookie, and apply this to there finishing process. The cones will work with all Bench Cookie models and simply fit snugly over the body of the cookie. What the cone does is further lift your project off of your bench, which allows for greater access...
7 results - showing 1 - 7