Weekend Links: 72-Hour Disaster Kit Edition

Weekend Links: 72-Hour Disaster Kit Edition

Chris   November 11, 2012  
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As you know, I am building a 72-hour kit using the Bosch Click & Go system. If you plan on building a kit of your own, these links might come in handy for you.

The Ultimate Water Storage Guide and Water Storage Calculator - The Ready Store

Having an ample supply of water is probably the most important part of a 72-hour kit, but calculating how much water you need can be challenging. This water calculator from The Ready Store takes into account the number of people, number of days, and a number of other factors to give you an estimate of the amount of water you will need. The Ready Store also sells food and other supplies to help you prepare for a disaster

Real Food. Real Meals -- just add water - Wise Company

There are different types of food you can use for long term storage, what I like about the food from Wise Company is that the food can be prepared directly in the packaging, which could cut down on the cooking tools you might need. They also advertise their food as being of a high quality, and if you saw my video on the food I have, you might have seen that the beef was actually beef flavor. I think I might give Wise Company a try next time.

Blackout MVP: Milwaukee M18 Power Source - ToolGuyd

After Hurricane Sandy hit, many were left without power and without a way to charge their phones. Stuart from ToolGuyd, on the other hand, was prepared and was able to use his charged Milwaukee M18 batteries and the new Milwaukee Power Source to charge his mobile phones through the USB charging port.

ReVIVE Solar ReStore XL External Battery Pack - Amazon

Even though the power was out in many areas because of Hurricane Sandy, many people did still have cell coverage. But how do you keep your phone charged when the power is out? I came across this cool 4Ah external battery pack that you can use to charge your phone or other USB device, and on top of that, it has a built in solar panel for recharging. I ordered one of these from Amazon to give it a test.

If you have any relevant links, be sure to share them in the comments.

Weekend Links72-hour kit build